Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy 2007!

New Year's Eve: nearly got crushed to death in the throngs of travellers all swarming to get a first-hand view of the fireworks down at the quayside. My friends thought I was going to pass out for a while and I thought so too (NOT from the alcohol I might add, but because I could barely inflate one lung I was that squashed, and people kept shoving and pushing through. Too many people: don't like), but I managed to stay standing, and really, it was so not worth it, as there was some big ferry dock blocking our view of the bridge, where the main action happens. AND, on a number of occasions, incurred xenophobia!!!!!! This Dutch guy commented, "The English are just the worst nation" I don't know what prompted him to say it right there and then, but that's what he said. Then these Ozzie guys blamed the overcrowding on all the "Pommies". And it wasn't just in the area I was in. Some of my flatmates went to "The Domain" to watch the fireworks from there, and got a better view, but similar anti-Pom comments. So it wasn't the most fantastic NYE, but then, they rarely are. BUT I had a nice time wearing my tacky-but-beautiful mirror-bird-brooch, and I bought a NEW TOP toooooo! New nice clothes! It's too exciting! BTW I don't know those guys in the photo but the girl on the end is my Thai friend Supa who is working out here.

New Year's Day was better. Got last minute tickets to "Field Day" a music event in the Domain (big park). After a brunch (more like breakfast actually) of Tasmanian bubbly, we headed in to watch Mylo, The Presets (again), The Freestylers, Plump DJs, and other dance/electro kind of stuff DJs and groups. Gorgeous hot day, and fun dancing in the rain near the end of the day.

Now for the serious stuff:

New Years Resolutions 2007

  1. Go home at some point
  2. Always wear factor 15 (at least) on my nose = don't get a burnt nose
  3. Improve my 20 mins running distance from a pathetic 1.5km to 3km (without stopping for walking breaks) (at least)