Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Merry Christmas all yez

Merry christmas! Well it was the most unchristmassy christmas I've had yet. On chrimbo eve, I went to mass in the cathedral and enjoyed singing the olde carols and hearing the choirboys sing "Oh Holy Night". Then next day, got the bus to Bondi along with about 40,000 others (prob mostly Brits and Irish). Went to eat sushi for brunch, then found no alcohol was allowed on the beach (made sense I guess), so we sneaked into the park behind the beach and sneakily drank from our wine box most of the afternoon, nibbling on camembert and crackers, chocs and....MINCE PIES!! Forgot to bring the christmas pud but saving it for later. Was a lovely sunny day. Christmas eve was rain rain rain. 14mm of rain in Sydney to be precise! It was good actually as there is a severe shortage of water here, and bush fires all the time. But I was still relieved to have a rain- and cold-free christmas day.

Anyway, after finishing the food and wine went to the beach for a quick dip in the freezing and scarily rough water which tried to rid me of my bikini! Had enough of that quite quickly, and we got lastminute tickets to go to Gatecrasher (clubnight) playing in Bondi Pavillion. Danced in there for abut 5 or 6 hours along with a load more Brits and Irish, and the odd Australian or two.

All in all a lovely and unchristmassy day. Hope you all had fun too and ate and drank too much and got fat and merry. New Year's Eve next!

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